Boom again vs ok boomer game
If you are a lover of trivia games, you most likely have come across two of the most popular Pop Culture Trivia games; Boom Again and Ok Boomer game.
These two are both trivia games based on pop culture. How are they different?
Boom Again and Ok Boomer are two highly rated games in the trivia world. Both games have a high purchase record as well as a lot of positive reviews online. Yet some players prefer Boom Again while others favor Ok Boomer.
This article outlines the major features of both games. Are you planning on shopping for a pop culture trivia game and you are not sure which game to buy? We will help you understand the similarities and differences between the two games.
Boom Again Game
Boom Again is a trivia board game designed for the baby boomer. It is a compilation of intriguing quizzes based on the popular culture of the 50s, 60s, and 70s.
Boom Again triggers sweet old memories for the elderly and middle-aged. It features questions covering every aspect of the society of years past. It covers music, movies, fashion, media, slang, and even politics of the 50s.
With Boom Again, you are provided with unlimited fun with over 2,000 pop culture questions from the baby boomers’ experiences and memories. If you are a millennial or Gen Z you will most likely not be able to relate to this game. Boom Again is a game “created by baby boomers for baby boomers”.
While this game can be played by anyone, it is best enjoyed in the company of people who have experienced growing up in the ‘50s, ‘60s, and ‘70s. People who heard and saw similar things. People who lived the answers to these questions. It is the game for a typical baby boomer.
Ok Boomer Game
Ok Boomer is also a game that is designed to appeal to baby boomers but also cuts across the younger generations. It is a game for all.
At its core, Ok Boomer pitches the old school against the new school. That is the baby boomers versus the millennials and Gen Z. It can be described as an intergenerational game.
Ok Boomer features quizzes that test a generation’s knowledge of others. If you’re a Gen Z and you think you know all about the millennials then you might want to play the Ok Boomer game.
This makes it perfect for family hangouts and parties. With Ok Boomer, no one is left out of the fun. There are enough questions for all.
With about 220 question cards covering all sorts of quizzes ranging from slang words to TV shows to movie characters, Ok Boomer sure keeps the party alive. The game comes in a pack with two sets of cards, one for the old school and another for the new school.
The Ok Boomer game is best played in two teams but can also be played between individuals. Two to eight players over 18 years are recommended in the game description.
Having read this far, you must have noted several similarities between Boom Again and the Ok Boomer game. They are both games for baby boomers. Both Boom Again and Ok Boomers feature questions for baby boomers.
Also, they are both pop culture games. The two games are compilations of questions about popular trends in different generations. Players are required to answer questions on music, celebrities, scientific innovations, and even cartoon characters that reigned in a generation.
Another similarity between the two games is that they are both suitable for individual and team playing. They are also both perfect for parties and hangouts.
Once again, both Boom Again and Ok Boomer are:
- Games for baby boomers
- Based on pop culture
- Perfect for individual and team games
- Suitable for parties.
The obvious similarities between Boom Again and the Ok Boomer game may make it seem like the two games are the same game. They are not.
Ok Boomers was created by Joe Spisak and the OkBoomers team while Boom Again was created by Brian Hersch, veteran game maker and creator of Outburst and Taboo.
These games do not only differ in their sources but also in several other ways.
These include:
- Game ideology
- Game rules
- Players
- Question categories
- Question types
Game Ideology
At its core, Boom Again is designed solely for baby boomers and older generations. It was created to inspire memories and create lovely moments for the elderly. It is based on the experiences of the 50s to 70s and is best enjoyed by people who lived in those times.
Ok Boomers on the other hand do not ascribe as much accord to the older generation. It is coined from the term “okay Boomer”, a phrase used by the younger generation to mock the “old school”. It is a game for all, including the baby boomers, not a game majorly designed for baby boomers.
How it is played
Both games are quite simple to play but very different in their rules.
With Boom Again, players are divided into two teams, and questions are asked according to categories. There are about six categories with over 2000 questions across them. The game is also played with tokes and historic items from years past. Each token is placed in a category.
At the beginning of the game, players choose a category, and questions are asked from the category chosen. If a team gets a question right, the token is tilted closer to their side. The first team to win three tokens is the winning team.
The rules for Ok Boomers are quite different. The cards are arranged according to their five categories. Each category has 55 cards and each card has two questions. Individual players or team representatives pick a card from each category and attempt the questions. If the player gets it right, the team keeps the card; if not, the card is returned to the pile. The first player or team to win a card in each category wins the game.
Both games were created for different audiences. While Boom again is solely designed for baby boomers and older people, Ok Boomer is designed for all generations ranging from the Silent generation to the Gen Zs.
Although Ok Boomers comprises questions that cut across different generations, the game is recommended for people above 18. Also, the creators of the game suggest that it be played among two to eight players.
Boom Again, on the other hand, can be played among 2 to 10 players. However, it is also recommended for players above 18 years, and rightfully so since it is a game for the older generation.
Question Categories
The two games also differ according to question categories.
Both Boom Again and Ok Boomer games come with questions grouped into different categories.
While Boom Again is categorized by popular trends, Ok Boomer is grouped according to generations.
Boom Again has six categories while Ok Boomer has five.
The categories in Boom Again are:
- Things we heard
- Things we saw
- Stuff we learned on the street
- Things we learned in school
- In the News
- Shout!
The categories in Ok Boomer include:
- The silent generation
- Baby boomers
- Gen X
- Millennial
- Gen Z
Question Types
Both games are trivia games and are played by providing answers to quizzes.
However, Boom Again has more questions than Ok Boomer.
Boom Again has exactly 2,244 questions while Ok Boomer has only 550. Also, all of the questions in Boom Again are directed majorly at baby boomers while the 550 questions of Ok Boomer are shared among five generations, reserving only 110 for baby boomers.
Another important consideration is the level of difficulty of the questions in each game. The questions in the Boom Again game are relatively easier than those of the Ok Boomer game.
How much is the Boom Again game?
The Boom Again game is sold at slightly different prices in different online stores.
However, the average price from the makers as well as Amazon is $49.95. Boom Again offers free shipping for all orders within the US.

How much is the Ok Boomer game?
The Ok Boomer game costs less money $34.99. Also, you get a discount when you order multiple packs of the game directly from the website. Amazon also offers free shipping for orders in some areas.
Trivia games are a whole lot of fun. They are mind-tasking yet intriguing. Trivia games are perfect for all social gatherings.
Do you want to include trivia games in your hangout plans? Nice, but it is important that you have the right one.
If you are planning for a gathering of people of different age groups, both young and old, you should consider the Ok Boomer game. But if you are organizing an event for the older generation, Boom Again is your best bet.